Rejuvenation: Daily Ascension Guidance


Life is Simply a reflection of our inner state. When there is an integration that occurs at the inner level, this relationship we have with our Self is experienced with All Life as well. By taking some courageous decisions to choose Love lately, we have completed some Sacred Marriage initiations in the body. And NOW it is time to feel the change in vibration that has already occurred. The Soul is the Feminine part of us and the spirit is the Masculine part of us. That is why the Soul level is often associated with Water. After having integrated Light, in case we are feeling some burnout sensations, it is a good time to NOW work with the qualities of water. Which is about Flowing, being flexible and allowing ourselves to experience the Sensual in every moment, rather than a need to keep 'doing'. Just like Life is said to have been first created on Earth when Fire met with Water for the first time, our process of New Birth also requires an equal balance of water, in other words rejuvenation. We may find ourselves remembering the Sacredness of our Soul and the original intent with which it was born in Purity, with messages and reflections of our Soul Vibration all around in Nature. Life is asking you to just be here, and experience with all of your senses, both physical and higher, just how refreshing Life is. Drinking water, as well as time in Nature, especially around water bodies can help us NOW. 
