Relaxing into our Vortex: Daily Ascension Guidance


This weekend's Ascension Guidance: We can feel how intense Truths that have been revealed to us recently are calling us to make life changes. When challenges show up in front of us, we don't have to automatically perceive they are about pain and misery. Doing well in a tournament is a challenge too when a sportsperson first sets out. Yet it is more about deciding how to train and then putting in the Devotion and Will to do it. This can be quite a fulfilling experience where we get to witness our own progress and see 'rewards'. We for sure are being called to make certain decisions and finally act on them. Yet knowing what to do is one level. And coming into the state where we will actually show up day by day within it is another. That happens when we go through a Cellular change and something a fire is initiated from within. Such Cellular changes are happening NOW through breakthrough or Eureka moments where we will find ourselves more Self Assured and confident in the face of new circumstances. But such decisions are not made when we sit and overly analyse what to do. Once we are sincerely ready for change and have asked the Universe to fill us in with clear direction, those answers come spontaneously in moments of relaxation. Not through over-analysis and only logical reasoning. So allow yourself this weekend to go out into Nature and soak in how all Life around you constantly Flows and grows. And feel in your heart how this is an extension of your essence too. Allow any nagging thoughts to dissolve into this Vortex of your Core. Our keyword is RELAXATION. 
