Time to Move On: The Beginning of a new 29 year cycle !!


Today's Ascension Guidance: We are standing at the opening of a new life chapter. Finally choosing to leave behind our identification with the Past. No longer needing to base our identity in it. We have recently realised what has been comfortable for many years does not seem to make us that comfortable anymore. And so we pick up all that we have known, and show up before our Higher Self, finally ready to step through the gate we were shown is the new pasture, the new realm we are to serve. Like with any endings, there's a sense of leaving behind some things, but not of a great loss, for we know they have served their purpose. And NOW the excitement and mystery of the new, unexplored terrain holds a much stronger pull than what we have known. As we take a last look at all that we have been through, and become over the years, it's a time of making clear decisions and courageous action at the PHYSICAL level... into a new life. The Tree medicine card we get today is Linden. Its qualities help to bring a sense of Peace and Surrender to life's naturally changing direction.
