The Rose Ray: Daily Ascension Guidance


What happens when you spend time in the arms of Mother? You take on her Rose-Pink aura of Unconditional Love for Life! The Pink Ray, while being one of the more gentle and Feminine rays is very powerful in melting and dissolving any leftover residues of regret, blame or unforgiveness towards Self. Even when we hold these emotions for others, really they are reflective of our own relationship with us. For when we are truly free of these emotions we are able to detach ourselves from the actions of others and see them as Love-in-the-Becoming. The same applies to ourselves. The Holidays are a perfect time to gift yourself with the tenderness and Unconditional Love we often, more readily give others. When your aura turns light pink through allowing complete Unconditional Love towards Self, this is the space that Mother can be Present with you within Intimacy. And such a space created can heal anything and replenish us with all the Love we needed, melting away everything into it to create a pink pool of Love. The Pink Ray has many qualities, one of which has to do with healthy skin and body. That's why we have the term 'In the pink of health'! Another quality of the Pink Ray is heartfelt creativity. The third quality of this Feminine Ray is soft nurture. Which of these is calling to you NOW? You are being guided to bring it into your life and work with it. A young girl, or someone youthful who makes you feel like this may be important at this time too. A crystal that can help to bring in these qualities is Rose Quartz. If you don't have the crystal, imagine pink light entering you and melting away your whole being into a pool of Love. 
