Codes from the Akashic Records: Daily Ascension Guidance


Today's Ascension Guidance: There's messages in the air that can only be decoded by the one meant to unlock them–YOU! These are flowing straight from the Akashic Records. The Akashic Records or the Book of Akashic, is not really a book or record. Rather a vast vault of Light Codes in the realms of Truth which contains the Core Codes of Creation in their Simplicity, and thus the blueprint of all Life that exists​. Only a very Simple symbol or signature of Light contains much more than words or other forms of communication can convey. We each can access the Akashic Records and retrieve information that is unique and only meant to be deciphered by us. For we each are a facet of Creator and what we need to create Purity in the world always flows to us through our I AM connection. So if you feel like you are 'pregnant' and about to birth something in the physical, be sure to create a Sacred Space in that moment and feel into a Simple, ordinary Truth that lies deep in your heartspace. Once recognised at the Cellular level, it usually unfolds into a burst of various creative ideas. But the original Light Code planted in us feels very Singular and Simple in itself, and must be recognised as such. 
