The Holy Grail: Daily Ascension Guidance


As if in continuation of yesterday's theme, our message today is about Rebirth. Except this time, we are near completion. Allow yourself to dive ALL the way in. Touch the bottom of the dark ocean. For the deeper we dive, with all the courage we have got, the higher the water propels us to the surface.. effortlessly! 

And just like the difference between breathing underwater Vs breathing air, you will have emerged into a new dimension, holding the grail of your newfound hidden potential. NOW you can drink from it, whenever you like. Are there any animal symbols that have been calling your attention lately? You can call upon their Group Energy in Spirit and Consciously use the qualities you admire in that animal to complete and close this Rite of Passage. Animals have a way of completely accepting and being adept at handling the physical realms and exude the Purity of Primal qualities quite strongly. Since our new Light is becoming physical at this time, we sure could use some such qualities to properly ground what we have already moved into at a Spiritual level. Feel yourself becoming this animal and moving through whatever it is you need to at this time!  ​
