The Flow of Abundance: How your luck is changing


Today's card is saying that we are feeling our 'luck' change in some way as we see a new flurry of Abundance. Abundance comes in various forms, but this is more specifically talking about material and physical Abundance. Which is very much financial, but also everything else that is physical in our lives like the place of living, relationships immediately around us​ and the physical nourishment we feed ourselves. Since Saturn, one of the planet that rules physical manifestation and the ground reality has moved into its own sign for 2.5 years, the way things are shifting in recent days in our life is an indicator of the years to come. We are also waking up with dreams and visions which are really symbols of where we have moved to at a higher level, and the physical is soon following. The physical action steps we need to take for this will come quite clearly and more in Flow to us. We NOW know how our higher vision can be created in a way that is also practical and sustainable in the world. Having to compromise on neither the highest vision we hold for the world and ourselves, and neither on all our physical needs being met, we are feeling what the true Magician essence of a Human is. It is to be noted that Abundance comes to those who have first given freely of themselves without the thought of getting something in return. When we are able to do this in Truth, we align with the frequency of the Creator Beings who give simply because they Love. When we hold such a high vibration, we Simply become this pool of Love, of free-flowing Abundance and Life. This is why we always feel full of it ourselves too. That which we nourish others with, first has to fill us up! This is the beauty of Creation and where you allowed yourself to transcend scarcity mindset and align with the Infinite Abundance frequency that Life is, you are being encouraged that this is what to expect, and the way to create, for the next 2.5 years.  
