The Power of the Soft Feminine: Daily Ascension Guidance


With Mercury turning direct again we are already seeing some more Abundant results of the inner shifts we have made in the past month or so. The new is showing up in our life and revealing to us the shape it is going to take in the coming year as well. It is a time to allow the heart to open to receive, which is also Perfect for the holiday season. To know that you deserve ALL of it. To allow the essence of Feminine softness to melt the heart to allow the Vulnerability of receptivity. And to hold this space of softness and patience for others as well. For within its essence, the heart energies of all are elevating and allowing the heart to undergo an upgrade. And we are feeling the vibration of Love elevate to the next octave within our Being. This is not just for us as individuals but is also speaking to a collective upgrade overall in Mass Consciousness. While this may be at a tiny level in those who are unconscious, the overall numbers still make it a significant shift. And those who are choosing to transform Consciously can benefit from the upgrade and truly accelerate their heart Ascension at the physical and grounded level. What this weekend offers us is a new octave of experience of the heart that comes with ease. To experience what it feels like to live and breathe within the 5th dimension at all times. This is activating a Cellular memory for how we can live life ALWAYS if we so choose. And is a precursor into the potential that is available to be lived in the physical every day at this time in Earth's Ascension. The Fruit of Life has 13 circles which is the number of Source and is symbolic of transcendence into the next octave. 
