Multi Dimensional Talents: Daily Ascension Guidance


Have you been feeling the call to do something creative lately? Especially if it is an old talent or hobby, we are guided to take out some time for it NOW. Even if it's only half an hour, it is important to act, for through creative action a higher energy is being channelled through us. Sometimes we forget that there are many layers to the Human, many parts of our multi-dimensional Self that feed us. We each have an Individualised Soul in which we reside with our Twin Soul. Then, the level beyond is the Oversoul in which we reside with our Soul Family. In levels beyond the Oversoul, we Simply belong as an Aware Individualised Soul within an enormous Group Consciousness. All these levels always assist us, if we so choose. Bringing through their unique perspectives and creations into the world. Simply allow yourself to be Free and indulge in some spontaneous creativity today. What flows as a result is related to your Service.    
