Celebrating Love with Others

We're feeling the call once again to commune with others, to allow them to see and celebrate the Love that we are. And to celebrate them the same way. Within Loving Communions and collaborations. Some boundaries that may have been needed in past years have served their purpose. We are in a new cycle of Love NOW and may miss out on all that this potential offers if we have become used to being too closed off. You can't sit and predict how things will always play out. This is why we need to be open to new ways of co-creation and allowing ourselves as well as others a chance. Don't disregard any hints from Spirit regarding reaching out to others. As well as be open to any invitations coming in. Remember all that you have Remembered about the Love that you are, and being Authentic in it over the years. Trust that you won't get swayed from it by being in the Presence of another. Be playful, adventurous and gregarious at this time, for that is how New energy of Love is entering our lives!  
